Ha Long Bay | 1 Day Trip

Da Nang to Hanoi

After visiting Da Nang, we flew to the capital of Vietnam, Hanoi, Ha Long Bay the next morning. Firstly, I want to share a very bad experience we had in this city, which you guys must know about, Clear Here to Read The bad experience

Eventually, we found a hotel a little further from the main road. It was a good place to stay, and the price was reasonable for us. After confirming, we finally relaxed. However, this situation had already ruined our day. In the afternoon, we visited Hanoi Train Street.

Hanoi Train Street

This is very famous among foreigners, known for its coffee and drink stalls along the railway. It gets very busy in the afternoon and evening. Visitors buy tea, coffee, or beer, and some take photos beside the railway.

Personally, I didn’t enjoy it much, but it was an interesting experience to see such a crowd gathered beside the railway.

After this short trip, we returned to our hotel, and after dinner, we booked two wonderful trips for the following days through our hotel. The staff were very friendly and provided great hospitality, guiding us through every aspect of both trips.

Hà Long Bay

So, in this article, I will talk about Vietnam’s Spectacular Natural Wonder, Hạ Long Bay

This is really beautiful! Amazing!The next morning after arriving in Hanoi, we started to travel to Hạ Long Bay by bus at 8 o’clock. After an hour and a half of travelling by bus, we changed to a ship.

It wasn’t a cruise but rather a mid-sized boat. With this boat, we arrived at an island and first went to enjoy kayaking.

Kayaking at Hạ Long Bay

We did Kayaking to explore hidden lagoons, arches, and tunnels, and discover secluded beaches and coves along the way. That was very interesting. There are two ways to enjoy it: by a big boat with 10+ people or by kayaking yourself with one more person.

So, we chose kayaking, and it was kind of hard to drive for the first time because I wasn’t used to driving a boat, but it was enjoyable. We went into the centre of all the hills and also touched some of them for the first time by hand to feel it from the mind, so… cold & awesome!

Sung Sot Cave

After that, we went to another island to visit Sung Sot Cave (Surprise Cave) with its magnificent stalactites and stalagmites or Ti Top Island for panoramic views of the bay. From here, you can discover the real beauty of Hạ Long Bay.

Lounging on Boat at Sunset

Lastly, we went back to simply relax and soak in the beauty of Ha Long Bay. Whether it’s lounging on the deck of our boat, enjoying sipping cocktails as the sun sets, take the time to unwind and appreciate this natural wonder.

In the evening, we returned to the hotel by the same bus. We went to bed early because we had to be ready the next morning to visit Bạch Long glass bridge. So, don’t be late. Let’s go with me to this wonderful place…

So, that's all. It was a very wonderful moment of my life. If you guys think that I need to explain more or if you have any questions, put them in the comments below. Thanks for being with me.
2 responses to “Ha Long Bay | 1 Day Trip”
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