Cheshma Shahi, Srinagar | Afternoon Trip


Booking a Travel Agency

When we planned our trip to Kashmir, we booked a travel agency online at a reasonable price. The deal included pickup and drop-off at the airport, along with visits to all tourist places and accommodation for 4 days and 3 nights, including breakfast and dinner. (Delhi to Srinagar). Let’s explore Cheshma Shahi..

Clothing Matters

So, we wore some soft clothes in Delhi due to the warm weather, and in my shoulder bag, we kept some warm clothes and hand warmers. We knew that after arriving in Srinagar, the weather would be very cool. If you didn’t carry warm clothes, you would freeze before leaving the airport. 🥶

Get a Tourist SIM

Upon arrival, we left the airport and went to buy a tourist SIM card, which would provide network coverage only within Srinagar. This would be disconnected once we left Srinagar.

Hotel Check-in

After that, we checked into our hotel and entered our room. Even inside the room, it felt freezing.

Considering it was March, this was quite challenging for us; we couldn’t imagine how it would be during December to February! However, after getting into bed, we found a heater, which was very enjoyable.

This heater was like an electric blanket; it warmed the bed, and if it got too warm, you had to turn it off. It's essential not to leave it on for the entire night, as it could cause a fire or an accident.

Another point to note is that you should take a thorough shower before arriving in Kashmir because you’ll lose interest in taking a shower due to the cold weather after you arrive. 😂

Visit Chashme Shahi Garden

In the afternoon, our travel agency’s car took us to a place called Chashma Shahi Garden.

This garden is also a gift from nature. Upon arrival, we climbed stairs to reach the top.

Wearing Kashmiri Traditional Clothes

At Cheshma Shahi, we had the opportunity for a photoshoot wearing Kashmir’s historical outfits. They provided the outfits and necessary items for the photoshoot, and a photographer captured the moments.

At some places, they might not allow you to take photos with your phone, but you can get the captured photos via WhatsApp from them. This experience was truly memorable, so don’t miss it.

Enjoy the Scenic View

Afterward, you can enjoy the scenic view of the hills covered with ice and the weather, along with some beautiful decorations.

Drinking Water from a Mini Waterfall

Additionally, there is a mini waterfall where you can taste the water by drinking from it. That sums up our visit to this garden; you can try some street food items after this short trip.

Evening Snacks on the Street

After returning to the hotel, we went out in the evening to taste some chicken momos, fried chicken, and tea with Kashmiri flavor. The taste of all the hot food was amazing in this cold weather.

Upon returning to the hotel, we rested after dinner because we had to wake up early in the morning for our journey to Pahalgam.

So, that's all. It was a very wonderful moment of my life. If you guys think that I need to explain more or if you have any questions, put them in the comments below. Thanks for being with me.

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